The Physics (behind the structure of the universe)

Within existence and our experience of reality there is a Universal Design with a clear intent and purpose. The design is tied to its function and intent and so an explanation of one is tied to the explanation of the other. Here are some ideas and concepts that begin to help us understand how this is possible and why:

The Universe is as large and as old as it needs to be in order to hold all possible possibilities,

The Universe operates under a principle of maximum efficiency.

The Universe is Pixelated (not smooth), the basic building block are pixels at the plank length (the smallest possible length/size).  

Space (outside of observable/detectable matter) is not empty. Space is a visual representation of probability.

Space is like probability that is waiting to happen, waiting to be actualized into gradient forms of energy that may culminate in matter. There is a lot of Space in the Universe. Scientists believe only 5% percents of the universe is identifiable as Matter; the other 95% has been labeled as Dark Energy/Dark Matter because it is not observable yet its presence and influence is inferred by current physics.

The Universe runs like a simulation program requiring enough computing power to actualize any possible possibility. From every path a single particle may take, to every choice a human being and other sentient beings can make, to every possible fluctuation of large scale phenomena that can form. From the paths of particles, to weather patterns, to planetary macro-biology, to stellar events, to galactic processes and so on.

In order to achieve this computational and predictive power the universe uses probability which it stores in space itself as pixels (at the Plank length).  The vastness of “Empty” or “Dark” space is what is required to allow the functioning and manifestation of what does exist. Furthermore, it is the probability contained in the vastness of space itself that ensures that freedom is maintained in the system.

Because the universe runs like a simulation it does not mean it is a simulation, rather it is run this way (by way of probability) to ensure the freedom of choice. In essence free will. The Universe use of probability ensures that anything can and indeed does happen. If we can calculate the probability in our universe we can likely calculate the amount of energetic choices (of particles, beings, and systems) in it, and possibly the number of multiverses this spawns. Such is the value the universe places on choice that it has gone to great lengths to produce, protect, and preserve it.

The double slit experiment is an example of this, for it demonstrates how a particle will not reveal the path it chooses if it knows it is being observed. It is how the universe engineers a way to get out of the way of any emanation by any given thing at any given point. Yet the universe must also participate as it is the playing field by which all existence rests on. These are the paradoxes that have led the universe to its current design.

Probability ensures that there is no determinism outside of the intent behind the design.

So ask: What is the intent of the design? Why is the Universe set up in such a way? To what aim?

Nestor Isaac Flores