The trauma of living

Why is the human experience still difficult?

Why is it often hard to live, breathe, or just be?

Whether these questions are asked or not, people at a subconscious, preconscious level, react to the implications of birth, death, and the struggle of life between.

We are challenged on the surface and stirred from within not always knowing the sense of things.

Generations of experience have created values and organizing principles to anchor how we will interpret and navigate the world in order to deal with these difficulties.

However, the systems organized around these values and principles can often become outmoded, obsolete, and inefficient or worse: disingenuous, misleading, and oppressive. At their most dangerous they limit, ensnare, and restrict in such a way that rather than give meaning and sense, they foster ignorance, minimal awareness, and incongruence (conflict) within the individual.

This systemic programming comprised of Family, Tribal, Cultural beliefs, as well as the Genetic, Societal, Political, Religious, and Ideological directives, all conspire to imprint how we interpret reality and therefore how we actually simulate and create our experience.

The conscious interface we use to engage reality is often a product of the value systems we are embedded in.

In essence we are given an interface (the systemic imprint/directive) before we truly have the option to consider whether it serves our being, and whether it aligns with our choice.

In many cases this leads to individuals with incongruent mental and emotional states, instances were the collective programming of the conscious interface is in conflict with the inner voice.

In many cases this can lead to trauma experiences that obfuscate the relationship between the individual and creation, between ourselves and the simulated universe we inhabit.

To heal trauma, is to make things clear. To declutter our inherited programming is to make things clear. To strengthen the relationship between our conscious interface and inner repressed states, is to make things clear. To be clear and congruent is to make choices and hold intentions that Simulate a Universe that more closely resembles us. Not an inherited interface that no longer serves our own voice.

Nestor Isaac Flores