
What we struggle to become is entirely up to us.

We are meant to play out our dramas, our comedies, our tragedies, our exciting sometimes mundane sensory experiences of life. And that is ok. That is the point of existence. The universe is designed to let you do just that. So do it. Do it as much as you need to. At some point it may stop and start again in some other way, and that will play out. And then you may shift into something else, until that plays out. Always becoming, always playing out. Sometimes centered and strong, sometimes lost and broken. But always in it.

So play something out that feels right and true for as long as you need to, for as many times as you need to, in as many ways as you need to.

You're in an open system of unraveling that is only bounded by your ability to see and your capacity to intend.

Nestor Isaac Flores