For the One, For the All

Keep demanding change

Until there is a system that benefits all equally and fairly

Do not accept a country until it provides:

Free Universal Health Care and Free University Education and Equal Community Investment and Equal Distribution of our Economic Output coded into the constitution as an inalienable right.

Keep that fist up, do not rest until there is justice and opportunity for everyone.

The health and safety of country, community, and its people depend on these rights.

They are your rights.

They depend on you. They are for you. For the One voice that no system can govern without.

And each one of you together make up this All.

This vast community and country where it is clear that no one can be left behind, forgotten, made less, or be oppressed.

We will be safe growing and thriving together.

Fist to heart “For the One”

Fist to the air “For the All”

Keep demanding that this country evolve its human rights to serve us all.

Nestor Isaac Flores