
I don’t want to be equal or the same. I don’t want to be like him, her, or they. I want to be me.

Who made anyone the standard bearers for equality.

 I want my ability and right to be me to correspond to everyone's ability and right to be them.

My journey can correspond in worth to everyone's journey, but it will not be the same or equal.

It will be measured by my own choices.

People are revolting for their right not to be policed for choosing their choices.

To not be corralled into any system of oppression and forced participation.

Because governments will proclaim you are equal only as long as you follow their version of it.

And that is bullshit

No one can stop you now

From becoming who you are

And that act will correspond to every act, and together change the way we do everything

From now on all systems will respond

to the act of being you

Nestor Isaac Flores