
You have spent your whole life with an inkling of it. You once knew it s a child, as a baby, before you were born. Yet experiences have conspired to keep you away. Rattled and tormented, numbed and disconnected, confused and distracted. It is time to reconnect.

You are in the meaning.

Breathe and with the act of breathing accept that you are alive.

Fix and ground yourself in the present (the future hasn’t happened and the past is always a trailing dream)

Visualize this present. Use a sound, a song, a voice, and an image that evokes your sense of place.

Drop into your body. Get in the feels.

(Feel the pains, discomforts, tickles, stretches, presence or numbness)

Whatever you come up with accept that as your current condition.

Don’t fight, resist, or try to leave. Mind the sensations that your body sits in.

Be at Peace with who you are and where you are.

When you find that acceptance in your being, let it fill you.

This is you. This is your peace.

(Not someone’s else’s version, not an ideal, but yours and real)

Let this protect you, seed in you, expand outward…and accompany you everywhere you go.

Namaste mofo’s

Nestor Isaac Flores