This has happened before and it will happen again

Why? When the artifice is stretched to a breaking point. When the current construct can no longer contain the new code, a Virus is set to crash and reboot the system. Although at the far end is renewal, through it is survival. But not of the whole. The Virus is meant to fragment. It will roll over you until your corrupted parts cease to exist. Because right now there can be no status quo. It is the purge, invasion and annihilation, of all that is sick.

What can you do? Pay close attention to that which has outlived its usefulness. Particularly the cliches of sanitized cohesion that built and sustain the artifice in the first place. In fact the list of obsolescence will include many a trusted, relied upon, and habitual set up. You will have to part with the very things that enabled your dysfunction. Now is not a time to pretend things are fine. You may seek peace and health. You may not seek ignorance and blindness.

What has happened before? The black plague led to rebirth in the renaissance. Smallpox decimated the indigenous cultures of the Americas, but gave birth to the Latino culture that is still alive and vibrant today. The pandemic of 1918 also caused social distancing, shuttered business and uncertainty, millions died across the globe. Yet humanity survived to fight more wars, explore and invent new things, try out new systems, and continue to stretch reality.

What will happen? Every generation or so, somewhere in the world, we are tested beyond our limits. It is what drives change, evolution and adaptation. This is no different. Some will suffer. Some will survive. Some will not. The system of interactions we call society, and the interface we use to interact we call reality, will reformat. Whether we grow responsibly and enlightened, or irresponsibly and haphazardly is up to us.

When the system is saturated beyond its ability to sustain itself, the construct must reboot. It has done it before and will do it again. How you emerge will depend on your ability to reboot with it. Look closely at what must change. And help change it.

Nestor Isaac Flores